Friday, April 9, 2010

Okay,so originally I was planning to just upgrade my blog,not to write a post.As we know,teenagers nowadays are associated with causing problems for others,without thinking,of course.And that sickens me.Of course,there are some teenagers who "fit the description",teens who are not interested in upholding their cultures and more importantly,their name.

So,why not be different?As of today,make yourself stand out.Make yourself be heard.Make yourself be useful to your family,your friends,and all the people around you.Make a difference in this world.BE DIFFERENT.

The world needs you.Set an example for others.Be the example that your peers can follow.Don't wait for others to set the example.

So,as of now,think of what your vision is.Set goals for yourself.And take steps,be it small or big,to accomplish your goals and dreams and desires.

For instance,if you care about nature and the environment(I think you should),plant trees in your local park or garden.Use both sides of paper.Promote green living among your peers.

If you'd rather do something for people than nature(which is cool too),visit a nearby orphanage.Before you do that,rummage through your closet for any clothes that you don't really need anymore.Or go through your toys,all of your belongings and see what you can do.Or have a bake sale and give the money to charity.Or bake the cake yourself and give it to them.

The possibilities are endless.Why wait til you are an adult to make a difference?You see,by doing charity now,you will find it easier to do bigger things later on in life.

Oh!And before I forget,start small...Then,work your way up.

So,I guess we have come to an end for today's blog.Go and think about,how you(yes,you!)can make a difference in this world.Then,take small steps to accomplish it!

Please also don't forget to tell me how you've made
a difference in someone's life.Be it your mum's or someone whom you've never met before,I really would like to hear from you.

Til next time,Denise.