Friday, July 30, 2010

a total wipeout

Hey there.I just wanted to bring your attention to something that the world,per say is hiding from.Do you notice,that in magazines,newspaper articles,and even textbooks,they do not really tell us The Importance of Conserving and Protecting the Environment?They only say,humankind will find it hard to survive,plants may go extinct and certain species of animals may never be found again?Have you ever really processed what they are really trying to say?Are they trying to say,human beings can survive without animals?Are they trying to say that we don't need plants to live?You see,the true fact is that we can't survive without animals and plants.They never say that in your textbooks,do they?We need flora and fauna to live and they need each other to carry on.Without flora and fauna,we'll starve to death.Yes,us humans.Think you're invincible?Well,think again!I just know that,if they release this info,everyone will take notice and do their bit to save the environment.This is because people want to live,and live long at that.Do good and nature will take care of you.Yes,it's true.So,instead of putting down that humankind will suffer and blah,blah,blah,the people who pen these things down should say what really will happen to all of us in the end if we don't start doing our part for nature now.Everyone will DIE!!!People will not be cruel because they now know about the dire consequences they'll have to face.Well,if you want to get started with protecting the environment right away,here are 3 things for you to get started on;

1)Switch off all switches that aren't in use.
2)Do not use the air-cond if it's cold or raining
3)Take a bath instead of a having a 1/2 an hour shower

dolphins and more

Hey there,Denise here again.I just wanna say I am absolutely crazy about dolphins!They are just sooo cute and smart and can be funny,too.Ok,here's some info on dolphins that I'd like to share;

Dolphins are remarkable mammals and are often mistaken to be in the fish-family.Well,newsflash,they're not.They are,however,related very closely to whales and porpoises.They vary in size,from 1.2m up to 9.5m and are very playful,friendly creatures.Females are called cows,males are called bulls and their young are known as calves.They mostly feed on fish and squid.Do your part to save dolphins and do not,at all costs make dolphin meat part of your meal.Opt for fish or squid instead.Also,throw away all your rubbish into proper bins.Remember!Save dolphins.Save yourself.Make a difference and educate others on using safe and proper disposal methods.OCEANS ARE NOT DUMPING BINS!!

food,glorious food. . . . . .

I think that our life is made really interesting with . . . . . . . . . . food.I'm just gonna talk about food today.But first,sorry for not blogging so long.Been busy with school work and such.Okay!Back to food.

One of my favourite food is Pizza.Dominoes Pizza is my favourite place to grab a bite.My favourite is the Barbecue Special Pizza.It's just sooo gorgeous and . . . .funky.The taste for me,is incredible.Goes so well with a glass of Coke,too.It's good stuff to have 2 slices of this cos 1 ain't enough.And you know,some how,pizza + family+ friends equals a great time! 

Anyway,sorry for the short blog but I will be back soon.Take care,you all and don't forget to switch off all your fan and light switches when you are not using them!Be friends of the Earth!xoxo