Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hi there!A very good morning to you today.Yeah,it's like about 12 something in the morning right now but just thought that I would blog about the week so far.It's been quite hectic,I had 2 days of uni classes after about 4 and a half months of no-study and no class.Truly amazing where I am studying.Met some great people who are all friendly.Good teacher,too.Anyway,skipping to Friday,my relatives came over from Kuala Lumpur together with my uncle Tony from Australia.Went to Lone Pine Hotel with the folks and had an amazingly great time.Will blog about that later though.Am too tired to go into details.But I will say this,Lone Pine Hotel is the best hotel I've stayed in....EVER!!!I absolutely love it and would really,really like to go again soon.No pics at the moment,too.Other than that,I am planning to make Chicken Pot Pie this week,but not sure when.Got the recipe from the Net and I really,really love it,Seems simple enough.Especially since I've never cooked before!  :P

I keep saying that I wanna cook but so far have not done anything so finally I am going to take a chance and just go for it.Mom says that I will get more confident as I cook more often.I guess that's right.Practice makes perfect,right?I am going to prove it!!!

Here's the link of the recipe that I'm going to make.Whoops!!!It came out at the top but nevermind.HAHA!

Till next time!


Friday, April 13, 2012

What's the latest?!!!

Hi there,today i wanted to  just basically get back into the normal routine of blogging like how I did last time.It's been quite a while since i last updated so I just thought,Hey....why not?

Anyway,was surfing the Net and came across a picture of these puppies.Absolutely adorable,aren't they?

Looking at these puppies makes me think.Why can't humans just leave things the way they are?Simple and innocent.Yet,human beings choose to corrupt the mind of the younger generation by complicating things.You know,making things complicated?Some things are in fact complicated but can be made easy by asking for the help of family and friends.But some people do not want help.They'd rather appear like they can take on the world instead of just admitting that they are in fact human.Human beings who have feelings and emotions,goal and dreams,a purpose and of course strengths and weaknesses.Human beings who make mistakes.Take puppies or instance,or dogs in general.Ever ready to put your past behind you and never to mention your shortcomings.To always be by your side,no matter how short or fat you may be.Boy,it really does seem that dogs really know how to live life to the fullest.Why keep heavy thoughts of negative mistakes in your heart instead of living a fun-filled life with no regrets?Learn from the dog whose only mission in life is to make others happy,not itself.I really admire dogs for that.

Tip of the day:Say No To Plastic Bags...