Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good afternoon everyone.I would like to say a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all! ALWAYS BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE is my tagline today.What do I mean you ask?What have YOU,yes you to be thankful for?For starters,you can wake up with a smile on your face,probably not yet hungry because of your hearty meal you had yesterday night.Most people don't have the privilege of doing that,a child your age would would have had to make do with a slice of stale bread,minus the butter, for yesterday night's dinner.

Secondly,your alive and breathing.Breathing easily, I might add.You don't need a breathing machine-helper-thingy or whatever it's called to help you breathe.It is not so for others.

Point number three,your wearing nice,clean and soft clothes and you're definitely gonna change into some nice,clean and soft clothes once again and are going down to have a breakfast of cheese,scrambled eggs on warm,white,fluffy toast.Others, however would have had to make do with a small meal that they must share with their brothers and sisters.

Number four,you have a school uniform to wear,and your parents probably just bought the school uniform a few days earlier before school started.LUCKY YOU.

The last point is,you have a group of friends that love you for who you are and want to spend time with you.You can meet them at school,tuition or anywhere you please.And you actually have the chance TO GO TO SCHOOL AND TUITION,where you met some of your friends,who will stay by your side forever.And you also had the chance to GAIN KNOWLEDGE at these places.YOU.LUCKY AGAIN.

So what is your New Year resolution for the year 2010?Mine is to be more thankful.To be appreciative for what I have from day to day.And to show the people whom I care for that I really do appreciate them.



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